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Do I Have PTSD?

According to the National Center for PTSD, about 4% of the U.S. population will experience a PTSD episode at some point in their lives. At the same time, there’s also a common misconception that men experience PTSD more, usually because of their prevalence in the military. The truth is women tend to have twice the number of PTSD cases due to the many traumatic events in their lives, like sexual assault.

Experiencing a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) episode can be an overwhelming and frightening ordeal. The event, characterized by intense and distressing symptoms, can severely impact daily life, including loss of income, health, and social connections. From actual or threatened death to serious injury to sexual violence, these events leave a lasting imprint on the individual’s psyche.

Understanding what happens during a PTSD episode is crucial for both sufferers and their loved ones. During an episode, individuals may experience a range of symptoms. These episodes can be triggered by reminders of the traumatic event and can vary in intensity and duration. Effective coping strategies and interventions can significantly aid in managing these episodes, providing relief and improving quality of life.

Woman smiling in somatic therapy

Recognizing the Signs of a PTSD Episode

A PTSD episode can look like severe anxiety or depression. Getting the right diagnosis and treatment is important for being able to alleviate symptoms. Episodes can be triggered by reminders of the traumatic event, and the symptoms can manifest suddenly and intensely. Understanding these signs can help provide timely support and intervention. During a PTSD episode, individuals may exhibit a range of symptoms that can be distressing and debilitating.

Common signs include:

  • Flashbacks: These are vivid, intrusive memories of the traumatic event that the individual experiences as if the event were reoccurring in that moment. The individual loses all sense of date, time, and place during this process. Flashbacks can be triggered by sensory experiences such as sights, sounds, or smells associated with the event.
  • Severe Anxiety: This includes intense feelings of fear, dread, or panic that can be overwhelming. Individuals may feel a heightened sense of danger or impending doom, making it difficult to focus or remain calm.
  • Uncontrollable Thoughts: Persistent, distressing thoughts about the trauma that are difficult to manage. These intrusive thoughts can dominate the individual’s mind, causing significant emotional distress and impairing their ability to function normally.
  • Physical Reactions: Symptoms like sweating, heart palpitations, trembling, or dizziness in response to triggers. These physical responses can occur suddenly and without warning, contributing to the individual’s sense of fear and vulnerability.
  • Emotional Numbness: A feeling of being detached or disconnected from oneself or one’s surroundings. This can make it difficult for individuals to engage in everyday activities or maintain relationships.
  • Avoidance: Actively avoiding places, people, or activities that remind them of the trauma. This can lead to social isolation and a withdrawal from daily life.

Recognizing these symptoms and their triggers can help in managing a PTSD episode more effectively. Support from loved ones can be invaluable, providing reassurance and a sense of safety during these distressing times. Compassionate understanding and appropriate interventions can significantly alleviate the impact of PTSD episodes, contributing to the overall healing process.

Coping Strategies for Managing a PTSD Episode

Coping with PTSD episodes requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates various therapeutic techniques. Understanding and utilizing effective strategies can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and fostering healing.


Grounding techniques are vital for managing a PTSD episode, offering a way to anchor oneself in the present moment amidst distressing thoughts and sensations. Individuals can redirect their focus away from intrusive memories by engaging the five senses or practicing deep breathing.

For example, individuals may focus on the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations around them, describing each in detail to themselves. This sensory awareness helps shift attention away, providing immediate relief and a sense of safety.


Brainspotting is another effective therapy for managing PTSD. The process involves identifying specific points in the visual field that correlate with trauma in the brain. A trained therapist guides the individual to focus on these points while processing traumatic memories.

Brainspotting helps access and resolve deep-seated emotional pain and can lead to significant improvements in symptoms. Targeting the brain’s processing centers enables individuals to release trauma stored in the body, promoting overall healing.

coping with ptsd episode


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a well-established therapy that has been shown to be highly effective for PTSD. EMDR involves recalling traumatic memories while engaging in bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, taps, or sounds. This process helps rewire the brain’s response to trauma, allowing the memories to be processed and integrated in a healthier way. EMDR can reduce the intensity of traumatic memories and diminish the emotional distress they cause, providing long-term relief from a PTSD episode.

Somatic-focused Therapy

Somatic-focused therapy emphasizes the connection between the body and mind in healing trauma. This approach involves techniques that help individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations and how they relate to traumatic experiences.

By focusing on physical sensations, such as tension, pain, or numbness, somatic therapy helps release stored trauma and promotes physical and emotional healing. Techniques such as deep breathing, body scanning, and movement exercises are commonly used to help individuals reconnect with their bodies and process trauma in a holistic manner.

Is PTSD Keeping You From Living Your Life? I Can Help

Understanding what happens during a PTSD episode and learning effective coping strategies are crucial steps toward healing and reclaiming control over one’s life.

By recognizing the signs of a PTSD episode and implementing effective coping techniques, individuals can start navigating these experiences with greater resilience and strength.

If you’re ready to embark on your healing journey, I invite you to book a session with me, Shay DuBois.

As a compassionate trauma-focused therapist in San Diego, I am here to help you reawaken to life, discover inner peace, and forge a path toward healing and self-discovery. I use somatic therapy for trauma, Compassionate Inquiry, IFS, brainspotting, EMDR, neurofeedback, and other trauma focused modalities to work with clients.  

I am able to customize each session for what you need in the moment.  I work with mind, body, and brain so that you can truly heal.  

Take the first step today and see how you can live your life again.

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